Apple’s new innovation: tap fear as well as greed
  • काँचुली खबर

NEW YORK (Reuters ) – Apple’s new innovation is to tap fear as well as greed. The $1 trillion firm’s new watches can detect falls and heart conditions, making them a useful gift for grandma, as well as hypochondriacs everywhere. Meanwhile, aesthetic appeal and better cameras should be enough to convince many users to pay up for an improved phone.

Tech firms have been eyeing the vast and growing medical market for a while, with mostly mediocre results. Hefty regulation and the resulting long product-development cycles are an uncomfortable fit for impatient Silicon Valley firms. Gee-whiz-sounding products, such as Alphabet unit Google’s smart contact lenses for measuring glucose levels in diabetics, often end up shelved due to the difficulties of producing something that’s both effective and useful.

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  • Nabintech